Rebecca O'Flaherty (Born 2000) is a Photographer and Visual Artist from Northern Ireland. Working Mainly within the medium of Performative Art,  O'Flaherty  is interested in the Northern Irish Landscape that surrounds her and the hidden political tensions that has submerged into the roots of the Irish Land; How herself and other young people have grown up within a politically unstable landscape.  
O'Flaherty graduated from Ulster University in June 2022, with a First Class honours in Photography with Video.  O'Flaherty was awarded a place on the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science Executive Dean's List for 2020/2021 and The Jill Todd Photography Award, 2022. 

"Rebecca O'Flaherty 2021"

Artist CV

Group Exhibitions  
      -SERC Foundation Group Exhibition 

      -Belfast Exposed ‘Imprint’ Group Exhibition  
      -R – Space “Materials, Messages and meanings #10 Borders, Boundaries and Bridges” Group Exhibition 
     - Belfast School of Art (BSoA) Graduate Exhibition 

      - Belfast School of Art (BSoA) 'Graduate In Residence' Group Exhibition Ground Floor   
     - Digital Art studios (DAS), "MEASURED" Group Exhibition 

Solo Exhibitions  
     -Paragon Studios (PSsquared Belfast) Billboard at Peas Park showing Image from Series  ‘Clash of Contiguity’ 2020 

     -BSoA in Residency at The Second Fiddle “Clash of Contiguity”   

Live Performances  
     -Belfast International Festival of Performance Art 2022 (BIFPA)  

     - Belfast School of Art 'Graduate In Residence' Group Exhibition Ground Floor 
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