This project explores repetitive actions, conscious and
unconscious, expansive, and discreet with and within my body
that have been formed by my routine.
Explored though a series of drawings and video I have
returned to the same rural quarry to expand on cyclical actions
created by my daily routine and how it responds to the
specifics of weather, light and sound that substantially
changing within the quarry.
Each drawing holds a different time frame, containing of
different situations of ambience between myself and the
quarry that is unconscious and discreet to the viewer.
The 4 - Channel video documents the different situations
together and merges the unconscious states of time and place
where my body responds to light, sound, and space
inconsistently to become conscious and expansive to the
The 4 – Chanel video shows movement though the
use of two viewpoints to explore the limitations of myself and
the quarry through conscious and unconscious decisions being
made within the ambiences of time and space.
use of two viewpoints to explore the limitations of myself and
the quarry through conscious and unconscious decisions being
made within the ambiences of time and space.